FUN WITH MATH!!!!! (mathematical day)

To close the project started in 2020, the different schools of the participating countries organized a special day named “Fun with math”, where they invited the educational community of the area, who had the opportunity to see how children worked with mathematics in the schools as well as to see some good mathematical practices and methodologies that we learned during the mobilities to the different countries.

Attached below is the program that the Bertí School of Catalonia created to share with the educational community and inform them about what they would see in the different educational levels during the fund with math day which they celebrated on the 16th June, 2023.

Moreover, find attached some photos taken during that day! We had fun and we were happy to share our learnings!!!


Attached below is the program that the 4th Primary School of Livadia created to share with the educational community and inform them about what they would see in the different educational levels during the fund with math day which they celebrated on the 14th June, 2023.



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