4th Mobility to Caserta


Escola Bertí continues with its project ERASMUS+ BECOME EUROPEAN MATH CHAMPIONS and during the week, from  11th to 16th December took place the fourth mobility in Caserta (Italy). On this occasion, students and teachers have visited the school called Instituto Integral Da Vinci-Lorenzini, along with the other countries that are part of the project: Croatia, Portugal, Greece and Romania.

On Monday, the welcome ceremony took place. After that, we did a tour to get to know the school and the Italian students enchanted us with a concert. Afterwards, we carried out the activity “The Virtual World”, which introduced us to the world of programming simple robots. We were able to enjoy a metaverse experience discovering the recreation of the ancient city of Pompeii. To end the day, we took a walk through the main streets of Caserta.

On Tuesday, we started the day with a mathematical activity called “Amazing coding”. The aim of the activity, through cooperative work, was to give directions to a “student-robot” who was inside a maze, to reach in the shortest time possible the place where a gift was waiting for the whole team. Later, we visited an authentic buffalo mozzarella factory where they explained the production process. To end the day, we made a cultural visit to the old silk factory of San Leucio, a building that has been restored and is now a museum open to the public. It was a very full day in terms of mathematics and culture.

On Wednesday, we went on an excursion to Ercolano, an ancient Roman city in the Campania region, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and we were very surprised at how well preserved it is! After lunch, we visited the Virtual Archaeological Museum, where we could see immersive exhibits and 3D films about life in Ercolano before the eruption of Vesuvius.

On Thursday, to finish the Italian mobility, we visited the Royal Palace of Caserta, its gardens and the English Garden. Later, we went to the school to enjoy the concert “Christmas dream” performed by the heart and the orchestra of the Istituto Comprensivo Da Vinci-Lorenzini, and we also received our certificates of attendance in the Erasmus + project. Finally, we had dinner to say goodbye to our friends!

We only have two mobilities left to finish this enriching project. The next mobility will be next March in Croatia, specifically in Pakrac, and we will keep you informed!

Here is a document explaining some activities carried out during this mobility:

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